ВОЛШЕБНЫЙ МИР ДЕТСТВА...(Jennifer Blakeley Photography,Канада)
Это будет 5-й год с тех пор, как я уехал в Нью-Йорк, чтобы сфотографировать семью Трампа. Для меня большая честь иметь возможность задокументировать детство этих прекрасных детей. На фото - первая внучка Дональда Трампа - Кей, дочь Дональда Трампа-младшего и Ванессы Трамп.
Be still my heart...
Beautiful fall...
Beautiful Kai...
Calm and bright...
Central Park - NY.
Finding love...
Finding the light, finding the way. Happy Easter!
Happy New Year!!
Heavenly peace...
I just adore this sweet girl...
I love capturing the quiet moments...
I love shooting outside in the Fall, it may be the only time of year that I'd rather be outside than in...
I loved these two sisters...
I totally fell in love with this little girl... I could have photographed her all day.
I usually prefer full body shots, but with this sweet girl - I had to get a close up...
Living a dream...
Make a wish and throw your cares to the wind...
May you go into life with the utmost confidence, and everywhere you walk, walk with purpose.
Merry Christmas
Moment of silence...
Oh Olivia...you are beautiful...
People are going to judge you no matter what you do. So you might as well do what you want...